Automatic Identification of MWEs

Jan Odijk, Martin Kroon, Tijmen Baarda, Ben Bonfil, Sheean Spoel

Utrecht University

We report on ongoing work to convert the software underlying MWE-Finder (Odijk et al. 2024) into software to automatically enrich a text corpus with annotations for multiword expressions.
MWE-Finder (URL) is an application to search for a (flexible) multiword expressions in text corpora.
The annotation software enriches each sentence in a text corpus with annotations for MWEs that occur in the DUCAME resource ( ), which contains 11k MWEs in canonical form (Odijk, 2023). The software underlying MWE-Finder automatically generates queries used to create the annotations. The annotations are in accordance with the PARSEME guidelines ( ), though we will propose some extensions of these guidelines.
As a concrete example, in a sentence such as ‘Daar kraait geen haan naar’ the generated MWE-query marks the verb ‘kraait’ as VID (Verbal idiom) for the DUCAME MWE `0geen *haan zal naar iets kraaien’, it marks the words `haan’ and ‘naar’ as component words of this MWE, and it adds the DUCAME ID of this MWE (DCM03515) to ‘kraait’.

References [Odijk 2023] Jan Odijk. 2023. A Canonical Form for Dutch Multiword Expressions (Version 1.0).

[Odijk et al. to appear] Odijk, J., Kroon, M., Baarda, T., Bonfil, B., & Spoel, S. (to appear). MWE-finder: Querying for multiword expressions in large Dutch text corpora. In V. Giouli & V. B. Mititelu (Eds.), Multiword expressions in lexical resources. linguistic, lexicographic and computational perspectives. Language Science Press.
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