Accepted abstracts for CLIN 34

Name(s) Affiliation(s) Abstract Title
Hyewon Jang
Diego Frassinelli
University of Konstanz
University of Konstanz, Center for Information and Language Processing at LMU Munich
Detecting sarcasm using LLMs when sarcasm is way too broad
Behnaz MotavaliRadboud UniversityWritten by one: Common authorship features of Fake Job Posts
Esther Ploeger
Wessel Poelman
Andreas Holck Høeg-Petersen
Anders Schlichtkrull
Miryam de Lhoneux
Johannes Bjerva
Aalborg University
KU Leuven
Aalborg University
Aalborg University
KU Leuven
Aalborg University
Leveraging Linguistic Typology for Fairer Multilingual Language Technology
Colin Swaelens
Ilse De Vos
Els Lefever
LT3, Ghent University, Belgium
VAIA - Flanders AI Academy
LT3, Ghent University, Belgium
Similarity Detection in Medieval Marginal Writing
Xinnain Zhao
Hugo Van Hamme
KU LeuvenWeakly and Semi-supervised Training of Flemish ASR from Subtitles
Leonidas Mylonadis
Jelke Bloem
University of Amsterdam
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam; Data Science Centre, University of Amsterdam
Evaluation of Greek Word Embeddings
Maya Sappelli
Laura Meijer
Marije Vrijmoeth
Dianne Teunisse
Annette Klarenbeek
HAN University of Applied Sciences
University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
Automatic Detection of Discursive Patterns in Dutch Social Media
Baoyi Zeng
Leonidas A. A. Doumas
Faculty of Engineering Science, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
School of Philosophy, Psychology, and Language Sciences, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
lllusion of Plausibility with Large Language Models
Bram Groenhof
Wieke Harmsen
Helmer Strik
Radboud UniversityOn the possibility of using pre-trained ASR-models to assess oral reading exams automatically
Janiça Hackenbuchner
Aaron Maladry
Arda Tezcan
Joke Daems
Ghent UniversitySystematic, Stereotypical or an Educated Guess? Gender inference by humans and machine translation systems of words in and out of context
Natalia Evgrafova
Véronique Hoste
Els Lefever
LT3, Ghent UniversityIdentifying Controversial Claims in Political YouTube Comments
Goya van Boven
Yupei Du
Dong Nguyen
Utrecht UniversityTransforming Dutch: Debiasing Dutch Coreference Resolution Systems for Non-binary Pronouns
Mario Perez EguiluzTNO; Leiden UniversityEvaluating User trust for the FarmBuddy chatbot: a mixed methods study
Xander SnelderUniversity of AmsterdamEvaluating the Intrinsic Effects of Prompt Engineering: The Indirect Extraction of Semantic Similarities from GPTs
Gus Lathouwers
Helmer Strik
Wieke Harmsen
Catia Cucchiarini
Radboud UniversityExamining Boundaries: Recontextualizing Dutch Syllabification Algorithms
Tess Dejaeghere
Pranaydeep Singh
Bas Vercruysse
Julie Birkholz
Els Lefever
Ghent Center for Digital Humanities, Ghent University; LT3, Ghent University
LT3, Ghent University
Ghent Center for Digital Humanities, Ghent University
Ghent Center for Digital Humanities, Ghent University
LT3, Ghent University
Exploring Zero-Shot Named Entity Recognition in Multilingual Historical Travelogues Using Open-Source Large Language Models
Matthijs Westera
Mark Rademaker
Leiden UniversityCan we detect the need-for-closure bias in social media behavior?
Kyo Gerrits
Ana Guerberof Arenas
University of GroningenReader reception of computational literary translations: the question of creativity.
Stef Accou
Tim Van de Cruys
KU LeuvenWord Sense Discrimination using French Transformer Models
Sander Puts
Shashank Chakravarthy
Martijn Nobel
André L. A. J. Dekker
Catharina M.L. Zegers
Inigo Bermejo
Department of Radiation Oncology (Maastro), GROW Research Institute for Oncology and Reproduction, Maastricht University Medical Centre+Improving Text Classification by Filtering Out Irrelevant Sentences Using a Sentence Classifier
Joël Buter
Joost Broekens
Suzan Verberne
Leiden UniversityData Augmenting Dialogues for Improving Emotional Support Chatbots
Hadi Mohammadi
Anastasia Giachanou
Ayoub Bagheri
Utrecht UniversityEnhancing Human-Likeness of Generative AI through Explainable Techniques
Elena Savinova
Jet Hoek
Centre for Language Studies, Radboud UniversityInterpreting Subjectivity Regressor Trained on Native English Speakers’ Judgments: Theory vs. Speaker Intuitions
Mert Yazan
Jirui Qi
Xinyi Chen
Andreas Paraskeva
Yumeng Wang
Mohanna Hoveyda
Leiden University
University of Groningen
University of Amsterdam
Leiden University
Leiden University
Radboud University
Comprehensive Evaluation of RAG Pipelines in QA Systems: Insights from the CRAG Benchmark
Pauline van Nies
Marten Koopmans
Gijs Wobben
Coen Goedhart
Paul Verhaar
Ordina; University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
Ordina; University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
Ordina; University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
Information Retrieval for Dutch Organizations: Evaluating Encoder Models and Practical Approaches
Katrien Depuydt
Jesse de Does
Thomas Haga
Roland de Bonth
Tim Brouwer
Vincent Prins
Mathieu Fannee
Instituut voor de Nederlandse TaalTowards better linguistic annotation for historical Dutch
Julia Pestel
Raquel G. Alhama
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation; University of AmsterdamEvaluating the Linguistic Knowledge of Dutch Large Language Models
Crit CremersLeiden University Centre for LinguisticsA view on propositions: graphics for meaningful parsing and generation
Nadine Donia
Weiwei Sun
Arun Kumar Rajasekaran
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Cambridge University
Cambridge University
Sentiment Analysis of Arabic-English Code-Switched Data: A Comparative Study of Machine Learning and Lexicon-Based Approaches
Marije Kanis
Marijn Schraagen
Shihan Wang
Erik Tjong Kim Sang
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Utrecht University
Utrecht University
Netherlands eScience Center
Happy or lonely? Investigating Dutch people’s mental well-being using remote methods during the COVID-19 pandemic
Sidi Wang
Jelke Bloem
Computational Linguistics and Text Mining Lab, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Data Science Centre, University of Amsterdam; Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam
Quantifying Politicization: Leverage Contextualized Embeddings of Politicized Keywords
Camille Lavigne
Alex Stasica
Utrecht UniversityAutomated Correction of Error Patterns in Dutch Child Speech: Leveraging Transformer Architecture for Enhanced Accuracy
Lilit Kharatyan
Frédéric Blain
Gloria Corpas Pastor
Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg
Tilburg University
University of Malaga
Speech-to-Text Translation: Cascaded or End-to-end? Multidimensional Comparative Evaluation
Simon Blanchard
Walter Daelemans
University of AntwerpOn the generalisability of personality models
Qixiang Fang
Javier Garcia Bernardo
Erik-Jan van Kesteren
Utrecht UniversityAddressing LLM-related Measurement Error in Social Science Modeling Research
Foteini PapadopoulouRadboud UniversityUnveiling Sentiments and Topics in COVID-19 Vaccine Comments on YouTube Over Time: from the First Vaccine Approval to the Post-Pandemic Era
Veronica Juliana SchmalzKU LeuvenThe Strange Case of AI-generated and human-authored texts: A preliminary study comparing features from different levels of linguistic analysis and languages
Pepijn Stoop
Jelke Bloem
University of Amsterdam
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam
Exploring Semantic Consistency in Zero-Shot Pre-trained Language Models for Emotion Detection Tasks in the Social Sciences and Humanities
Jens Lemmens
Walter Daelemans
University of AntwerpStyloscope and Toposcope: Towards user-friendly digital text analysis
Marzieh Abdolmaleki
Véronique Hoste
Els Lefever
LT3, Ghent UniversityEnhancing Update Statement Generation by Modeling Hypothesis Probability in Defeasible NLI
Bram Vanroy
Tim Van De Cruys
KU LeuvenForced Creativity: Constrained Decoding to Generate Poetry With Any LLM
Vincent Vandeghinste
Job van Doeselaar
Bram Vanroy
Instituut voor de Nederlandse TaalHuman Evaluation of Automated Text Simplification through Crowdsourcing
Silvana Abdi
Hylke Brouwer
Martine Elzinga
Shenza Gunput
Sem Huisman
Collin Krooneman
David Poot
Jelmer Top
Cain Weideman
Lisa Bylinina
University of GroningenDutch CoLA: Dutch grammatical knowledge in monolingual and multilingual language models
Florelien Soete
Vincent Vandeghinste
KU LeuvenOptimizing Controllable Sentence Simplification for Dutch using T5 Large Language Model
Florian Debaene
Aaron Maladry
Pranaydeep Singh
Els Lefever
Veronique Hoste
LT3, Language and Translation Technology Team, Ghent UniversityDo we still need specialized transformers? A comparison to generative foundation models for non-normative Dutch
Xiao Zhang
Johan Bos
Center for Language and Cognition, University of GroningenIconNet and Pictorial Meaning Representation: Towards Language-Neutral Semantics
Congfeng Cao
Jelke Bloem
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of AmsterdamLinearly Mapping from Graph to Text Space
Dragoș Alexandru BălanUniversity of TwenteEvaluating the State-of-the-Art Automatic Speech Recognition systems for Dutch
Sisi Chen
Vincent Vandeghinste
Goedele Vandommele
Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven
Centre for Computational Linguistics, KU Leuven
Centre for Language and Education, KU Leuven
Automated Pass/Fail Classification for Dutch as a Second Language Using Large Language Models
R. Kinds
S. Abdi
D. Timmer
S. van Loon
T. Caselli
University of GroningenWatch Your Vocabulary More Than Your Pre-training Data
I-Fan Lin
Faegheh Hasibi
Suzan Verberne
Leiden University
Radboud University
Leiden University
Generate then Refine: Data Augmentation for Zero-shot Intent Detection
Nikki Rademaker
Linthe van Rooij
Yanna Smid
Tessa Verhoef
Tom Kouwenhoven
LIACS, Leiden UniversityThe Riddle Experiment: two groups are trying to solve a black story behind a screen, only one group is alive.
Tanmay Khokle
Tim Van de Cruys
Kris Heylen
KU Leuven
Centre for Computational Linguistics, KU Leuven
Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal
Multilingual Definition Modeling for Neologisms
Rob Reijtenbach
Gijs Wijnholds
Leiden UniversityDataset Generation for Visual Entailment using Generative AI
Andriy Kosar
Guy De Pauw
Walter Daelemans
Textgain; CLiPS, University of Antwerp
CLiPS, University of Antwerp
Evaluating LLM-Generated Topic Names via Text Reconstruction
Svea Bösch
Jelke Bloem
Raquel Garrido Alhama
Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication, University of Amsterdam
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication, University of Amsterdam
Comparing the Impact of the Input Source in Modelling Child Language Acquisition
Andrew Kosar
Jens Van Nooten
Walter Daelemans
Guy De Pauw
University of Antwerp; Textgain
University of Antwerp
University of Antwerp
One Size Does Not Fit All: Exploring Variable Thresholds for Distance-Based Multi-Label Text Classification
Katharina Sommer
Evgeniia Egorova
Eugene Shalugin
Radboud UniversityDomain adaptation of Large Language Models for Sparse Information Retrieval
Zahra Abedi
Gijs Wijnholds
Richard van Dijk
Leiden UniversityEnriching Historical Records: An OCR and AI-Driven Approach for Database Integration
Urtė Jakubauskaitė
Raquel G. Alhama
Phong Le
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam
Amazon Alexa
Compositionality in Emergent Languages: Evaluating the Metrics
Lorenzo Lazzari
Carlos Villacampa Calvo
Sophia Katrenko
EcoVadisCase Study: Leveraging Large Language Models in a Hybrid Search System for Improved CSR Information Retrieval
Leonardo GrottiCLiPS, University of AntwerpEvaluating Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion and Syllable Counting of Large Language Models for Dutch
Michelle Suijkerbuik
Zoë Prins
Marianne de Heer Kloots
Willem Zuidema
Stefan L. Frank
Centre for Language Studies, Radboud University
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam
Centre for Language Studies, Radboud University
BLiMP-NL: A corpus of Dutch minimal pairs and grammaticality judgements for language model evaluation
Shima Rahimi
Ehsan Lotfi
Walter Daelemans
University of AntwerpIn-Corpus and Cross-Corpus Analysis of Native Language Identification Using Machine Learning
Myrthe Reuver
Indira Sen
Gabriella Lapesa
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Universitat Konstanz
GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften and Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf
A pilot study and framework for using and analyzing social scientist’s interaction strategies with Instruction-Tuned LLMs
Cristina Reguera-Gómez
Denis Paperno
Maaike H. T. de Boer
TNO; Utrecht University
Utrecht University
Natural Chatbots: Designing an Intuitive Healthcare Conversational Agent by Studying the Role of Empathy in Generated Messages
Léa Gontard
Jelke Bloem
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of AmsterdamUsing Natural Language Processing to Quantify Politicization in Foreign Aid Reports
Matthew Micyk
Jelke Bloem
Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication, University of Amsterdam
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam
Distributional Semantic Modeling of SC-Pair Polish Aspectual Verbs
Ineke Schuurman
Caro Brosens
Kris Heylen
Vincent Vandeghinste
Bram Vanroy
Centrum voor Computerlinguïstiek, KU Leuven
Vlaams GebarentaalCentrum
Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal
Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal
Centrum voor Computerlinguïstiek, KU Leuven
WordNet-based Relations between Words, Signs and Concepts
Michiel De Vrindt
Anaïs Tack
Renske Bouwer
Wim Van Den Noortgate
Marije Lesterhuis
imec research group ITEC, KU Leuven
imec research group ITEC, KU Leuven
Institute for Language Sciences, Utrecht University
imec research group ITEC, KU Leuven
Center for Research and Development of Health Professions Education, UMC Utrecht
Predicting Initial Quality Scores of Dutch Essays with Language Models to Warm-Start Comparative Judgment Assessments
Loic De Langhe
Orphée De Clercq
Veronique Hoste
LT3, Ghent UniversityNewsBERTje: a Domain-Adapted Dutch BERT Model
Qianru Meng
Zhaochun Ren
Joost Visser
Leiden UniversityAutomatic Release Notes Summarization with Large Language Models
Wu Chi Hsiu
Aaron Maladry
Veronique Hoste
University of Antwerp
LT3, Ghent University
LT3, Ghent University
Comparing and Contrasting Modality Disparity in Multimodal Sarcasm Detection
Aletta Dorst
Alina Karakanta
Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, Leiden UniversityComparing LLMs with commercial Machine Translation systems for Metaphor Translation
Felicia Redelaar
Suzan Verberne
Maaike de Boer
Romy van Drie
Leiden University; TNO
Leiden University
Attributed Question Answering for the Dutch Law using Retrieval augmented Large language models
Chenglinzi Yang
Jet Hoek
Wilbert Spooren
Centre for Language Studies, Radboud UniversityStance detection in conversational L1 and L2 English
Simone van Bruggen
Maaike Koninx
Bookarang, NBD BiblionOntology-based distance metrics for keyword evaluation
Lisa HubinKU LeuvenMetaphorically speaking: a clustering-based exploration of metaphor identification in Dutch using transformer architectures
Marthe Kellen
Tim Van de Cruys
KU LeuvenExploratory Study on Dutch Verb Clusters Using Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning: Evaluating Transformer Models’ Language Skills
Suzan Lejeune
Iris Hendrickx
Centre for Language Studies, Radboud University
Centre for Language and Speech Technology, Radboud University
Location-focused Translation in Low-resource Tagalog of Flooding Events in News Articles
Henry Grafé
Tim Van de Cruys
KU LeuvenMulti-token and Multi-word Lexical Substitution using Encoder-Only Language Models
Thijs Groeneweg
Gijs Wijnholds
Leiden UniversityImproving the CoThought pipeline for training a BabyLM on Dutch data
Yumeng Wang
Suzan Verberne
Leiden UniversityQuery-to-intent generation for explainable search engines
Gabriella BolliciTNOEnhancing Human-Computer Interaction: Leveraging Miscommunication Detection in Chatbot Dialogues for Conversation Breakdown Prevention
Urja Khurana
Eric Nalisnick
Antske Fokkens
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Johns Hopkins University
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Do Hate Speech Detection Models Reflect their Dataset’s Definition? Investigating Model Behavior on Hate Speech Aspects
Wout Sinnaeve
Joni Kruijsbergen
Orphée De Clercq
Ghent UniversityControlled Text Simplification for Dutch using Generative Large Language Models
Michael Wheeler
Suzan Verberne
LIACS, Leiden UniversityRetrieval augmented chatbot for an IT helpdesk (WIP)
Lea Krause
Ana Valdivia
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
University of Oxford
Exploring the Lack of Cultural Diversity in Multilingual Datasets for Conversational AI
Kushal Tatariya
Artur Kulmizev
Esther Ploeger
Marcell Bollman
Jiaming Luo
Johannes Bjerva
Miryam de Lhoneux
Heather Lent
KU Leuven
KU Leuven
Aalborg University
Linköping University
Aalborg University
KU Leuven
Aalborg University
How Good is Your Wikipedia? Quality Estimation and Methods of Data Pruning for Non-English Wikipedias
Qixiang Fang
Daniel Oberski
Dong Nguyen
Utrecht UniversityPATCH -- Psychometrics-AssisTed benCHmarking of Large Language Models: A Case Study of Mathematics Proficiency
Bram VanroyKU Leuven; Instituut voor de Nederlandse TaalF(r)ietje: An efficient, transparent LLM for Dutch
Allmin Susaiyah
Natalia Sidorova
Eindhoven University of TechnologyTowards the Extraction of Event Logs from Dutch Medical Reports Using Large Language Models
Anum Afzal
Alexandre Mercier
Florian Matthes
Technical University of MunichInvestigating Data-to-Text Approaches to Achieve Diversity of Generated Marketing Text in the Music Industry
Ine Gevers
Walter Daelemans
University of AntwerpBag of Lies: Robustness in Continuous Pre-training BERT
Anna Wegmann
Tijs van den Broek
Dong Nguyen
Utrecht University
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Utrecht University
What's Mine becomes Yours: Defining, Annotating and Detecting Context-Dependent Paraphrases in News Interview Dialogs
Ho Wang Matthew SungLeiden UniversityOutliers or Wrong Classifications? On Dialect Typicality and Transitional Dialects
David ShakouriLeiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL), Leiden University; Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC), Leiden UniversityMODOMA: Providing a Computational Laboratory for Language Acquisition Experiments
Roos M. Bakker
Juul A. Schoevers
Romy A.N. van Drie
Marijn P. Schraagen
Maaike H. T. de Boer
TNO; Leiden University
Utrecht University
Semantic Role Extraction in Law Texts: A Comparative Analysis of Language Models for Legal Information Extraction
Marcel Haas
Hielke Muizelaar
Marco Spruit
Department of Public Health & Primary Care, Leiden University Medical Centre
Department of Public Health & Primary Care, Leiden University Medical Centre
LIACS, Leiden University
Exploring Translation's Impact on Dutch BERT Model Performance
Xiyuan Gao
Shekhar Nayak
Matt Coler
Campus Fryslân, University of GroningenInvestigating the Multimodal Interplay of Prosodic and Visual Cues of Sarcasm
Olga Lyashevska
Michael Giffin
Samira van Bohemen
Netherlands eScience Center
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam
On stereotypes in online pornography: the use of topic modelling.
Ine Gevers
Cristina Arhiliuc
Leonardo Grotti
Pieter Fivez
University of AntwerpRetrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) in Generative Large Language Models for Automated Essay Grading
Wouter Hajer
Anne Fleur van Luenen
Jakob Söhl
Rolf Ypma
Netherlands Forensic Institute; TU Delft
Netherlands Forensic Institute
TU Delft
Netherlands Forensic Institute
Utilizing Conversations as a Proxy for Topic: a Study in Forensic Authorship Attribution
Anne Fleur van LuenenNetherlands Forensic InstituteASMtransformers: a BERT model for ARM64 assembly
Heike Pauli
Lukas Latacz
Hugo Van hamme
KU Leuven
Processing Speech and Images (PSI), KU Leuven; Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT), KU Leuven
Cross-lingual age estimation: distinguishing child speech from adult speech
Bram van Dijk
Marco Spruit
Leiden University Medical CenterWelzijn.AI: a System in Development for Monitoring Mental Wellbeing in Dutch Elderly Populations
Jan Odijk
Martin Kroon
Tijmen Baarda
Ben Bonfil
Sheean Spoel
Utrecht UniversityAutomatic Identification of MWEs
Anaïs Tack
Tuba Özturan
Siem Buseyne
imec research group ITEC, KU LeuvenClassifying Utterances with Collaborative Problem-Solving Strategies in Student Teamwork Interactions
Caspar de Jong
Oskar van der Wal
Willem Zuidema
University of Amsterdam
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam
Causal Methods for a (Mechanistic) Understanding of Gender Bias in Dutch Language Models
Thomas Winters
Stijn Van der Stockt
KU Leuven
DPG Media
Evaluating Humor Generation in an Improvisational Comedy Setting
Reshmi Gopalakrishna Pillai
Antske Fokkens
Wouter van Atteveldt
Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamA Synergic Solution for the Regional Newsrooms: Identifying Regionally Relevant Information for News Stories with LLMs and Knowledge Graphs
Jiahui Liang
Stephan Raaijmakers
Aletta G. Dorst
Jelena Prokic
Leiden University
Leiden University; TNO
Leiden University
Leiden University
Using GPT-4 for Conventional Metaphor Detection
Hans van HalterenRadboud UniversityCross-genre and -topic authorship recognition on Dutch human and LLM-generated essays
Wenwen Guan
Marijn Alta
Jelke Bloem
University of AmsterdamAutomatic Metadiscourse Classification in Learners’ Writing and Speaking with SpanBERT
Leonidas Zotos
Malvina Nissim
Hedderik van Rijn
University of GroningenComparing Language Models and Student Strategies for Solving Multiple Choice Questions
Angel Daza
Ellie Smith
Antske Fokkens
Netherlands eScience Center
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Informed Evaluation of Text Analysis Tools
Rik van NoordUniversity of GroningenBenchmarking Beyond Translation: The Intrinsically Dutch Compound Noun Challenge for LLMs
Iris Hendrickx
Stan Vissers
Frank van Meurs
Centre for Language Studies, Radboud UniversityCharacteristics of non-native communication in English: The case of English-language lyrics by Dutch artists
Silvia Stopponi
Saskia Peels-Matthey
Malvina Nissim
Center for Language and Cognition Groningen, University of GroningenCreating a dataset for the evaluation of automatic semantic change detection in Ancient Greek
Tim Van de CruysKU LeuvenDo Tomatoes Sing Skyscrapers? The Curious Case of Absurd Text Generation
Xiaojuan Tan
Jelke Bloem
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
University of Amsterdam
Predicting the metaphoric potential of words from lexical features
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